Seeking volunteers for UC Merced biochar study

A group of researchers at UC Merced are initiating a small-scale field trial in orchards in and around Merced County and are looking for growers interested in participating. The trial plans to study how biochar, either applied alone or in conjunction with dairy manure compost, can reduce soil greenhouse gas emissions while improving soil water retention, organic matter content, nutrient availability, and orchard ecosystem productivity.


Biochar will be made at the UC Merced campus using local almond pruning residues; compost will be from a local dairy farm and composting facility. The researchers are currently in need of participants who are willing to test our locally produced soil amendments on their orchards in the fall (0.1 acre maximum needed). Participants may choose to apply their own compost for the trial and minimum maintenance work is needed from participants in the trial location. This field trial will not only help improve our understanding of how biochar may function in orchard soils, but also serve as a great showcase demonstrating sustainable resource management in the Central Valley.

Feel free to contact Si Gao at and/or Brendan Harrison at for more information if you are interested!

If you are interested in past biochar trials conducted on farms and pastures, please go to the links below:

Phoebe Gordon