Applying low rates of glufosinate to Italian Ryegrass reduces susceptibility to glufosinate

This week, we’re sharing a blog post from another UC website: the UC Weed Science Blog. It was written by Marie Jasieniuk and Maor Matzrafi.

Italian ryegrass is a major weed in orchards, vineyards, field crops, and fallow fields of California (Figure 1). Several different herbicides are used to control ryegrass and had been effective in reducing infestations until resistance evolved in many populations following repeated use of the herbicides. To date, resistance to glyphosate, paraquat, and some ACCase and ALS inhibitors has been confirmed in ryegrass infestations across the agricultural landscape of California. To make matters worse, resistance to multiple postemergence herbicides with different modes of action has been confirmed within the same orchard, vineyard, or field in some areas. Consequently, management of Italian ryegrass in California annual and perennial cropping systems has become a major challenge.

Read the rest here:

Phoebe GordonIPM, Weeds